View Profile Sun-and-Moon

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Recent Movie Reviews

37 Movie Reviews

I loved the falcon punch

Only thing I can think of that you can improve on this movie (or any upcoming movies like this) it to organize all the clips into a "menu" type thing with a picture of the clip and an interesting title, that way we have more control of what we want to watch instead of cycling through them all

good job! 5/5, 10/10

I'm sorry...

I came into watching this video expecting something...more....creative. When the doors opened and the speakers were blasting I was thinking "Okay, this is kinda cool, it's like a club" and then the "reality" disappeared. A flash animator came in and logged onto his computer and downloaded the song, and then it ended. You really needed to go more in depth with the "reality" aspect. For example, if someone were to get a "gold track" award, you could have animated someone in that club playing their mix and all of a sudden it goes golden or something. It just needed more creativity and length.

Very nicely done

I liked the various sound effects you use throughout the movie and various weapons created. Keep up the good work!

Recent Game Reviews

27 Game Reviews

Good idea

obviously inspired by that helicopter game, although this was almost nearly impossible. Here's a tip though: make the guy you're controlling move faster than the objects he's trying to dodge. If you make him move too slow it's impossible to get past the first object :)

SonicSRev responds:

its all in the timing...

I liked it

It was different from a LOT of other mouse avoiders so it felt fresh and new. However, I think the portal to level 6 is broken

Recent Audio Reviews

18 Audio Reviews

I <3 this song

I think this song is just simply amazing, it varies from part to part but it still has the same theme which I think is great. It's just so addictive

The ONLY problem I see in this song is also the problem you have with a lot of your songs. The track is very solid from right to the beginning up until about 5 seconds before the end. The ending to a lot of your songs are so sudden and it feels a little rushed out. You can't just build your song like a set of stairs and the last step come crashing down to the bottom, I think it should go higher and higher. But that's just my opinion.

ParagonX9 responds:

Hello Sun-and-Moon =)

Yeah I totally agree with you that I don't really use build-ups.
Some of my songs have a build up, but I think it's usually better for flashmovies/games
if the action starts rite away. I think that my previous song (No. 5) has a very good example
of a build up which starts out with the action right away but still gives you a climax feel
that it's building up to something more. or something, lol.. i dunnow how to say it >_< XD

But i'm really thankful for the review and I'll try to make a song
with a slow buildup in one of my upcoming songs =]

Thanks again! (And also thanks to all the others who reviewed/voted etc.. =)
- ParagonX9

Hmm....mixed feelings

Lol, okay well I think this is a very fun song and it sounds pretty. but it could use some variety throughout. I noticed you added some stuff but essentially it was the same beat throughtout. I liked how it went back and forth (Tremolo I think it is?) and that sounded really cool. However the main melody got too repetitive and it bordered on annoying, but I guess it would be good for like a game with battle sequences, you know?

Your creativity is what's key in these songs...now just apply it with technique and practice! :)

Mataro responds:

I think you hit it on the nail lol. Yes the melody does get a little tedious, but when it builds up and switchs to the strings, I think it just adds that much extra punch, this isn't the kind of song you listen to intently, this is the kind of song you listen to while your doing something lol. My first try with FL, I think it turned out decent lol =p.


There were some parts I really liked and some parts I didn't care for.

I think you should have used the other Jegon melody as more people would understand where it came from (FF:CC). This melody sounds really off, not to mention the awkward gaps in between them when it plays over again. You should have filled that gap with maybe a bubble or a different sound effect. And as for that bubble, I felt it was really loud and violating. It could have started loud, but then maybe fade away into the melody again. That would give it an extra interesting bit, no? Near the ending were these weird bells. The bells themselves sounded really nice but the notes they were playing sounded all over the place and didn't fit in at all. It almost sounded out of key. And then you added more and more until the melody was almost drowned out.

As for the stuff I liked, I feel this is an extremely creative song. I really like the whines in the beginning going into the rain. Speaking of the rain, I feel that added a lot to this piece. If you were to take it out it would almost seem empty. I think it also added an eery almost sad mood. Which I liked. However, to continue with that sad mood you should, as I previously stated, you should have used the other melody. This one sounded too uplifiting. Maybe that's what you wanted? I'm not sure. It would have just added to the overall experience.

Some flaws, but the creativity really makes up for it

Mataro responds:

Yeah, I'm still getting used to FL so I'm a little fuzzy on how to effectively use the mixer lol. Thanks, I was trying to be creative, and yes, this song is supposed to start out ominous, and sort of find its way to being uplifting. I totally agree with the rain, it took me hours to find the perfect rain sound lol xD. As for the ending, I really actually enjoyed the counter melodies lol. Oh well =p. The one thing I had my worries about was the bubbly sounds, I knew the were intrusive, but oddly, they just seemed to fit. Thanks alot! ^^

I torch my soul to show the world that I am pure.

Age 34, Male


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